
Crassula Conjuncta String of Buttons Care: Tips For Growing

String of Buttons is a plant that is in the Crassula family and contains a spine on each leaf. It’s also known as a Jade Plant or Friendship Tree because it does well in harsh environments such as sun, wind, dryness, and low-light conditions. The leaves are thick enough to provide some protection from pests too. 

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String of buttons plants has many benefits for gardeners because they’re drought resistant, grow well with other plants near them, can be used indoors or outdoors, and can be pruned into different shapes depending on your preference. They’re also very easy to propagate. Here, we will explore how to grow Crassula conjuncta plants so you can enjoy their beauty for years to come!

Sunlight Needs

The Crassula conjuncta plant needs about 4-6 hours of sunlight each day in order to thrive and be healthy. Be sure not to place it near any direct source of light such as windows or fluorescent lights because this will cause too much exposure for the plants which can lead to wilting.

In the winter, you may need to supplement sunlight by using a grow light or placing it next to a window that receives plentiful amounts of natural daylight because the hours will be shorter for this time of year.

Watering Requirements

The Crassula conjuncta plant does best when watered regularly but also allowed some periods without watering so they don’t become root-bound and begin drooping over time. You should water once every 7-14 days and only when the soil is almost dry. The most important thing to keep in mind is to not overwater this plant because this can cause it to get soft and mushy.

Proper Soil

This plant prefers soil that is well-draining. The better your soil drains, the less likely it is that you’ll need to water your plants daily or even weekly. They do best in a potting mix that has plenty of organic material, such as compost or peat moss mixed with sand and perlite for more drainage. Be careful not to use too much clay because this will lead to root rot over time.


The average room temperature for this plant is between 65 and 70 degrees, which means that the plant will grow well in most homes and offices. In terms of outdoor temperatures, the plant prefers a cooler environment with temperatures between 55 and 65 degrees.


Fertilization is not really needed, however, if you choose to fertilize, you should do so with diluted liquid fertilizer. The best time to do this is during the summer months when your plant is actively growing.


It’s best to prune this plant every couple of years, usually in the early springtime. You can remove any dead or yellowed leaves and stems as well as trimming off some woody growth that may be crowding other parts of the plants that need more light and space.

Pot Size

The pot size for this plant should be deep enough to accommodate its root system without it being in contact with the soil. The Crassula conjuncta plant usually has a shallow root system that only goes about an inch or two down, so you want to make sure there is plenty of room for it to grow.

Propagate Methods

The Crassula conjuncta plant does not really need to be propagated because it’s a fairly common species that is easy to find in most nurseries. If you do want to propagate your plant, then the best way would be from leaf cuttings or by taking stem cuttings and rooting them with water or damp peat moss. Here is a step by step process:

Step One: Take a cutting from the plant by using a sharp and clean blade. The stem should have at least two leaves on it if possible, but not more than four.

Step Two: Place your leaf in moist peat moss with its cut side down so that only the top of the leaf is exposed to air.

Step Three: Be sure to cover the pot with a plastic bag, newspaper, or coffee filter to create a humid environment that will help your plant root.

Step Four: Place the peat and leaf in a warm area around 65 degrees where it is bright enough for plants to grow. You can do this by placing them on top of the window ledge or radiator where they are well-lit.

Step Five: Check on your pot every day to make sure it is still moist and that the leaves are not wilting, which indicates they need more humidity. It can take anywhere from two weeks up to a month for roots to form once your plant starts to produce new growth.

Step Six: Once you see green shoots popping out of the pot, then you can take the plant out and transfer it to another container or start planting it in your garden.

Pests and Diseases

Crassula Conjuncta is prone to mealybugs, alphids, and vine weevil. It can be very difficult to get rid of pests on succulent plants because they have waxy-coating which protects them from pesticides like bug spray. The best way to deal with these annoying pests is to use insecticidal soap and water.

What are Mealybugs?

Mealybugs are sap-sucking insects that can cause yellowing, wilting, and stunted growth on the plant. They also deposit a sticky substance called honeydew which is made up of secondary metabolites secreted by these bugs to protect themselves from predators.

What are Alphids?

Alphids are cactus pests that look similar to mealybugs but they secrete a substance called “honeydew” which is made up of secondary metabolites secreted by these bugs.

What are Vine Weevil?

Vine weevil feeds on the plant and makes holes in its stem while leaving behind telltale black marks that look like coffee grounds.


You really don’t need to repot this plant often. However, if you do then the best time is during the warmer months. The Crassula conjuncta plant does not need to be in a pot that is too deep because its root system usually only goes about an inch or two down.

Benefits of having a Conjuncta plant in your home or office

The benefit of having this plant in your office or home is that it will add a nice green touch to your space. It is also good for the environment because it’s easy to care for and very low-maintenance. This plant is also best placed in spaces where there is plenty of light.


The Crassula conjuncta plant is a low-maintenance succulent that is perfect for people living in apartments or with little garden space. It can tolerate sunny to light-shaded areas and doesn’t need watering very often because it lives off the dew on its leaves as well as from rain.

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