How To Prune A Jade Plant? The Best Ways

Jade is a classic succulent house plant that virtually everyone recognizes and that most plant enthusiasts keep in their homes. This lovely tree-like plant is simple to care for, as it doesn’t require much in the way of watering or sunshine. In most home situations, jade flourishes.

You can spend years watching the jade plant grow, and it will seem like it is flourishing, but one day it will simply collapse.

The weight of many jades can no longer be supported by the sole trunk when they grow so tall. Pruning your jade before it reaches this stage will ensure that the weight is evenly spread from the start.

How do you tell whether your jade needs to be pruned?

Pruning most jades at least once a year is recommended. When a jade plant has less than 10 leaves, it’s the perfect time to start cutting it. This will stimulate early branching, resulting in a well-balanced plant from the start.

In order to avoid bending and breaking jade that has grown excessively tall without branching, it must be trimmed every year. Pruning is necessary even for overgrown jades in order to keep them healthy and happy.

Pruning Techniques For Jade Plants

Jade plants are pruned by cutting back the stems and branches or by pinching out the tips.

How To Trim Branches and Stems?

Remove whole stems and branches from jade plants that are out of control or ugly.

In certain circumstances, you may need to be somewhat severe with your cuts in order to restore the appearance of health.

What About Pinching The Tips?

Pinching is a softer method of keeping their general shape and size. Simply pluck out the fragile young leaves and tips with this procedure. Many people use their fingers for this, but you can even chop them off if you want.

Step-By-Step Guide To Pruning A Jade Plant

Cutting down a lanky jade plant or taming an oversized one is the easiest method to cure it. I’ll guide you through the process for each one below.

The great news is that the stems will sprout just below the incision, no matter wherever you cut them. However, there are a few things to consider before you begin.

It is very important to cut at a downward angle so that water can run off. If it settles into the wound, it will deteriorate.

Crassulas can handle a lot of pruning, but removing all the leaves at once is never a good idea. This can stifle their growth and, in the worst-case scenario, kill them.

Learn More About Pruning A Jade Plant

Frequently Asked Questions About Jade Plant Pruning and More

What is the best way to protect jade plants from becoming leggy?

Selectively prune stretched stems to foster new development, or pinch off the developing tips on the stems to make your leggy jade plant seem better. Increase the amount of sunlight available to the plant or support its development with a grow light to prevent lanky growth.

How do you grow a bushy jade plant?

Pruning your Jade plant on a regular basis will assist in equally distributing growth and sustaining its weight. When pruning, use clean shears and just cut down about 25% of the plant. For a bushy, full plant, place Jade plants in direct, full light.

What’s the deal with my jade plant bending over?

Your jade plant may be falling over for a variety of reasons. Underwatering, overwatering, excessive temperatures, lack of sunshine, being top-heavy, too many nutrients, too much repotting, and, of course, not using suitable fast/well-draining succulent soil are the most typical causes for a jade plant to topple over.

What is the best way to get a jade plant to bloom?

You’ll need to put your Jade plant in a particular environment if you want it to blossom. It must be dry, bright, and sunny, with temperatures dropping by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Keep in mind that your Jade plant must be mature (2-3 years old) in order to bloom.

What is the best way to get a jade plant to bloom?

You’ll need to put your Jade plant in a particular environment if you want it to blossom. It must be dry, bright, and sunny, with temperatures dropping by at least 10 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Keep in mind that your Jade plant must be mature in order to bloom.

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